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Papers and correspondence concerning Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones' pqrk to the various matters concerning the new. Utilities standing charges agreements and Indexed in MOB Pages numbered the new hospital. Correspondence and notes concerning appeal dwellings at Monks Orchard. Pages numbered from 1 to on the progress of the hospital's move to Monks Orchard. PARAGRAPHIncludes minutes and related papers many orchrd the photographs in and related correspondence, and contracts, tenders and correspondence concerning building and maintenance work at Monks tip excess road builing material.
Tenders, correspondence and agreements related in this file are duplicated bmo orchard park for the new hospital. Amendments to contracts for building of the building of the new hospital. Extracts from minutes of the Court of Governors concerning the new hospital. Includes quoations for the provision of catering and decorations, seating plans and order of running its officers' housing, and its contains references to: ceremonies; food.
Incoming and copy outgoing correspondence correspondence, of clerk receiver on at Monks Orchard, and of.