Bmo harris bank commercial antetokounmpo

bmo harris bank commercial antetokounmpo

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BMO Harris - Ultimate Souvenir (Giannis Antetokounmpo)
According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the NBA superstar has endorsement deals with BMO (formerly BMO Harris), Breitling, Degree, Google. BMO Harris Bank, to name a few. He also made a particularly powerful ad for Greek chocolate milk. In May of , Forbes estimated Giannis. #7 BMO Harris Bank - Ultimate Souvenir (Giannis). This one features a better acting performance from Giannis than �This is Sportscenter,� and.
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Antetokounmpo and Riddlesprigger share three children, per People : two sons, Liam and Maverick Shai, and newborn daughter, Eva Brooke. He has an impressive car collection, too. I go back to my rule number one with commercials: humor. Giannis Antetokounmpo is one of the best basketball players on the planet. Extra points for the basketball pun at the end.